2024-2025 Information

Join Us!

It’s never too late to join! Click the link below to join the PTA.

Join the PTA

PTA News & Events


Learn all about the PTA Council, find out about the latest news and events, check out our Twitter page, and give us feedback or suggestions. We want to make your experience here informative, yet as simple as possible. We look forward to working with you as one voice for every child!

Our General Membership Meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm (hybrid). We will meet in a hybrid format using the school library and on Google Meet for those who aren't able to meet in person. Members will receive the link to the meeting via email prior to the event. Caliday is offering to supervise students in the cafeteria while you attend the general PTA meeting. Please stop by the library before the meeting starts for details.

PTA Committees

We still need your support! Below are the committees we still need volunteers. If there is an area where you can support our continued growth, email us to let us know ([email protected]). We’re ready for you to help and excited to have you!


  • Budget and Finance – Develop a budget for the PTA. Determine PTA’s projected financial needs and develop a one-year budget. Present draft budget for approval to executive committee. The budget and finance committee monitors the spending of the PTA to ensure approved budget is not exceeded. Treasurer chairs this committee.


  • Membership and Communication – Prepares and distributes main communication vehicles for the PTA. Partnering with outreach coordinator in building communication within the school and community. Working with school principal, staff, and PTA to better reach our entire community. Examples include promote PTA activities, administers social media, website, and e-mail distribution lists. Also develops programs and activities to increase membership.


  • Events/Ways and Means (Fundraising) – Coordinates all major school fundraisers; research fundraiser ideas; works with fundraising companies; helps committees in forming goals and proposed calendar for the year; works to recruit adequate volunteers for all fundraisers; make a report to the general membership after each event.


  • Parent/Family Involvement – Develop ideas to increase parent/family involvement. Engage ALL the parents in the Wellwood community.

Fundraising Ideas

If you have thoughts on ways our unit can raise funds, please complete the form below.

Fundraising Ideas

If you're interested in volunteering for the school during the year, please complete the online training going to the 
Volunteer Training section. 

PTA Twitter Account
PTA Facebook

Contact us at
[email protected]

Board Members


Shante Fields

Vice President

Andrea Campbell and Amber Prisock


Ashley Pryor


Tara Boynton