Extracurricular Activities

Explore Our Exciting Clubs!

We are thrilled to offer a diverse range of clubs for students to explore new interests, develop skills, and build friendships. Here’s what’s available:

Drama Club: Let your creativity shine on stage! Students will learn about acting, scriptwriting, and stage presence in a supportive and fun environment.

Broadcast Club: Future reporters and producers, join us to learn the ins and outs of news reporting. Become part of the team that brings the latest school news to our community!

Chess Club: Challenge your mind and build strategic thinking skills in Chess Club. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there’s a spot for everyone at the chessboard.

French Club: Bonjour! This club offers an introduction to French language and culture, with activities and games that make learning language fun and engaging.

Steel Pan Club: Experience the rhythm of the Caribbean! Students will learn to play the steel pan and perform songs together, embracing teamwork and musical expression.

Battle of the Books: Join a team of fellow book lovers! Students will read exciting books and work together to compete in quizzes and challenges based on what they’ve read. 

These clubs are a fantastic way for students to broaden their horizons and discover new passions.